Tiny TTY Mac OS

Mac's and serial TTY's Mac's are excellent tools for accessing serial device TTY ports (to console into PBX's, switches, and routers). You just need a serial to USB adapter, the right driver, and some Terminal software. You can use screen, although Minicom (or a GUI program) offer more features and functionality. I5-8500 Coffee Lake chipset motherboard. The Lenovo m920x is a great choice for a Hackintosh. We used Opencore 0.5.8 and Catalina macOS.

Only one TTY (TTY1) is available in OSX. To enable tty use fn + ctrl + alt + F1. MacOS Sierra (version 10.12) is the thirteenth major release of macOS (previously known as OS X and Mac OS X), Apple Inc.' S desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. The name 'macOS' stems from the intention to uniform the operating system's name with that of iOS, watchOS and tvOS. Sierra is named after the Sierra Nevada mountain range in California and Nevada. A library of over 125,000 free and free-to-try software applications for Mac OS.

In the United States, you can make and receive RTT calls on Mac models introduced in 2012 or later (excluding Mac Pro) after updating to macOS Mojave 10.14.2 or later. You also need an iPhone with a carrier plan from AT&T, T-Mobile, or Verizon. Standard voice call rates apply for RTT calls.

You can make and receive RTT calls on your iPhone as well.

How to set up RTT

  1. Set up Wi-Fi calling on your iPhone, making sure to add your Mac as one of the other devices to be used for Wi-Fi calling.
  2. On your Mac, choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, then click Accessibility.
  3. Select RTT in the sidebar. It appears only when Wi-Fi calling is set up correctly.
  4. Select Enable RTT.
  5. To send characters as you type them, select Send Immediately.
  6. Enter the U.S. RTT relay number: 711.

How to make an RTT call

  1. Your Mac uses FaceTime for RTT calls, but you can start the call from either Contacts or FaceTime.
    • In Contacts, move your pointer over a contact's phone number, then click the the RTT button next to the number.
    • In FaceTime, click the audio button next to the contact or after entering a phone number. Then choose RTT Call or RTT Relay Call from the pop-up menu.
  2. When the call is answered, click RTT to begin exchanging text messages in real time. While texting, you can also speak through your microphone, if available, or click Mute to mute your microphone.
  3. Type your message, then press Return or click the send arrow to send it. If Send Immediately is turned on in RTT preferences, the other person sees your message as you type it.
  4. To hide your conversation, click RTT. While the conversation is hidden, you won't see messages the other person sends you. Click the button again to return to the conversation.

How to answer an RTT call

When you receive a call on your Mac, click Accept to answer it. Then click RTT to begin exchanging text messages in real time.

How to end an RTT call

Learn more

  • VoiceOver doesn't announce new RTT messages on Mac, so you should follow the conversation in the RTT window.
  • Some carriers might disconnect the RTT call if no RTT messages have been exchanged for over 3 minutes.

RTT and TTY aren't supported by all carriers or in all regions. RTT and TTY functionality depends on your carrier and network environment. When making an emergency call in the United States, iPhone sends special characters or tones to alert the operator. The operator's ability to receive or respond to these tones can vary depending on your location. Apple doesn't guarantee that the operator will be able to receive or respond to an RTT or TTY call.

Question or issue on macOS:

What are some surefire steps I can take to 100% get this working?
I would need real instructions, not one liner answers or vague conceptual descriptions of the process.

Let’s get to the bottom of this.
It would appear that there are conflicts somewhere and I’ve had subpar assistance from the gem developer on GitHub in relation to my experience with Ruby / Rails / Bundler / Homebrew so it’s not completely their fault 😛
But I need to figure out how to get this working ASAP so here goes with my current state of this problem.

UPDATE: 2/25/2013
Updated GCC / XCODE Version 4.6 (4H127) and downloaded latest version of XCODE COMMAND-LINE TOOLS
and now iconv_open() is showing up in the extconf checker.
Now I’m getting these errors:

I believe they are now issues with tiny_tds and compatibility with latest xcode paths.

UPDATE 2: 2/25/2013
OKAY, so I reinstalled everything, Ruby / Rails / etc.
And used some advice from a commenter to use “:path =>”
and here is my output now when I run rails s


1.) The initial EASY setup instructions like any other…

Now add these lines to Gemfile

Now continue commands…


Found this blog entry…

I then located my correct paths to the libiconv library and the freetds library.
Next, I ran it like this:

Tried bundle_install again, and shock… it still isn’t installing via gem ‘tiny_tds’ in Gemfile…

So I remove tiny_tds from Gemfile and proceed to start the server up anyway…
And as expected…



How to solve this problem?

Solution no. 1:

This did work for me (2 Oct 2014 / OSX 10.9.5):

and in rails:

Solution no. 2:

First install free_tds and required dependencies.

This worked for me, your paths may be different

Solution no. 3:

Well, unfortunately I’ve now got it working and have NO CLUE how I’ve done it but I will list all of the things I’ve done so far in this answer to solve it.

In the end, bundle install with standard gem 'tiny_tds', '0.5.1' ended up working fine.
It’s running Ruby version 1.9.3-p194 via RVM.

This is where the gold is I’m fairly sure…
I used rvm pkg install iconv and rvm reinstall 1.9.3 --with-iconv-dir=$rvm_path/usr

Once this completed, I deleted all old gem folders…
I switched bundle config path to match the new ruby path…

Then did bundle install, and boom.

It’s also using iconv 1.13 instead of 1.14 not sure if that matters.

I hope this helps anyone… it’s definitely been a huge learning experience for me.


Solution no. 4:

I have solved it with:

and then

Solution no. 5:

I don’t know much about Ruby. Just dabbled a bit. You can always install vertx directly than I think you have more control with directory location and it makes it easier to upgrade. I wrote up a guide for Ops team for production (a work in progress really). It might help you. It might not.

I wrote a little install guide. I plan on adding some tweaks to it on how to configure TCP/IP stack and Vertx to scale (ephemeral port settings, file descriptor limits, load testing, tuning recycle buffers, etc.)

Installing Vertx on Ubuntu 13

Environment details

Instance type: EC2 hi1.4xlarge

  • OS: Ubuntu 13.10 (64 bit) Java VM:

  • java version “1.7.0_25” (IcedTea 2.3.12) (build 23.7-b01)

  • vertx: 2.1M1 (built 2013-10-29 11:11:22)

Installing Software

Java 7 JDK:


Download Vertx

Move into standard Unix structure:

Create symbolic link to /usr/local/share/vertx so upgrading is easier.

Add vertx symbolic link to your /usr/bin/ directory.

Install a real damn editor:

Create test script to test vertx is installed properly:

Now run vertx against test script:

Now test that the install all worked:

If you get “test 1”, this means vertx is install and able to server verticles.

Later I plan on adding init.d scripts to start vertx and perhaps a process that wakes up and makes sure everything is running every minute or so. I also plan on fronting a few vertx instances with NGINX reverse proxy so each box can handle close to 1,000,000 requests and have a bit more DOS protection. Anyway… a work in progress…

Solution no. 6:

What worked for me was mr.ruh.roh’s gem building options above, reproduced here:

in one line. That gem install installs the gem, but the bundle still failed, even though the gem had been built and installed. Adding those options for bundler, however, worked.

Again, in one line. With that bundler config set, bundle install worked.

Note that I had already run:

This worked for me on Feb 20, 2015 on OS X 10.9.5 with Xcode 6.1.1 installed

Tiny Tty Mac Os Catalina

Hope this helps!