Nutt Mac OS

Safari 4 with Mac OS X 10.5.7 (Leopard) were used in this tutorial. The Script Editor, for making AppleScripts, is found in the Applications Folder of your hard drive. Mac Nutt 19,757 views. Network UPS Tools (NUT) on Mac OS X (10.4.10) (Andy Poush) Interfacing a Contact-Closure UPS to Mac OS X and Linux (David Hough) How to use UPS with nut on RedHat / Fedora Core (Kazutoshi Morioka) FreeBSD installation procedure (Thierry Thomas, from FreeBSD) Gestionando un SAI desde OpenBSD con NUT (Juan J. Martinez, spanish).

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Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects


This paper contains the documentation of a standalone application used to expedite promotion creation and reflections of the development process.

Research Sponsor

Zarreen Farooqi

First Reader

Eugene Mourzine

Second Reader

Sarah Hoge

Recommended Citation

Nutt, David, 'Relate Promotion Tool' (2019). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 844.

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Home > Journals > Linacre Quarterly > Vol. 42 > No. 1 (1975)

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Recommended Citation

Rogge, Louis P. (1975) 'Book Review of Healing by Francis MacNutt,' The Linacre Quarterly: Vol. 42 : No. 1 , Article 8.
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Ethics and Political Philosophy Commons, Medicine and Health Sciences Commons


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