Go Hone Mac OS

The YI Home app keeps you connected to your home from your phone anytime, anywhere. Keep tabs on your nanny day and night, check in on your pets, or simply monitor your house with the YI Home Camera. The app gives you access to live footage of your home 24/7.Experience home security at your fingertips. With a Mac keyboard, there are two keyboard shortcuts that provide Home and End key functionality. Fn + left and right arrow keys Press the Function key and the right arrow key to jump to the. The GOPATH environment variable specifies the location of your workspace. It defaults to a directory named go inside your home directory ($HOME/go). If you really want to change your GOPATH to something else add GOPATH to your shell/bash/zsh initialization file.bashprofile.bashrc or.zshrc.

Export GOPATH=$HOME/go export GOROOT=/usr/local/go After that, run the following command in your terminal: source /.profile If you have any different shell, replace it in the place of.profile. Info: $HOME variable will point to your current user's directory. Info 2: /usr/local/go is where all users, the go files, and bin folder exists. Apple Safari - Double-click the 'GoTo Opener' file in the browser’s Downloads window (click restart the download if the download doesn't start). Mozilla Firefox® - Select 'Open with' then click OK when prompted (click restart the download in the browser window if needed).


Go 1.12 was released three days ago (Feb 25, 2019). I upgraded my personal MacBook Pro, which runs Mojave, with:

The upgrade failed with the error:

The upgrade ran fine. Then, I tried to upgrade my work MacBook Pro, which runs High Sierra and sits behind a proxy and plays victim to corporate man-in-the-middle attacks for all network traffic, which creates all sorts of adventures, with the same command:

Googling uncovered that some packages had moved around, and I saw a note to delete my old Go installation, so I ran:

And I deleted:

And I still got the same error. Further googling and experimentation netted nothing, so finally I opened Homebrew’s Go installation formula, found at:

Actually, on my work Mac, it’s at:

since we don’t have root privileges to install in /usr/local, so that may be the problem but I don’t see how.

Anyway, I could see that Go 1.12 was downloading fine, and the Go bootstrap environment was downloading fine and installing Go, and the problem occurred while installing GoDoc. So I commented out lines 57-66 in the formula:

And I reran

Go hone mac os download

And everything worked except I have an old version of godoc in my go/bin directory. If I get around to unraveling the rest of this mystery, I’ll update this post.

Hope this helps someone.

Go Hone Mac Os Update

Update Feb 28, 2019 @ 1:45 PM

Having an old version of godoc bothered me, so I did the following:

Go Hone Mac Os X

The -insecure flag accommodates our corporate proxy; you probably won’t have to do that.

Go Hone Mac Os Download

And now my godoc is current.

Go Hone Mac Os Catalina

Update Jan 10, 2020 @ 10:10 AM

Thanks to Josh Hornsby, I now have a real solution and Go upgrades just work ™! Our IT department had indeed deployed the intermediate certificates to our workstations, but they were set to “Use System Defaults” in the “Trust > When using this certificate” section in Keychain Access:

Since we aren’t admins on our machines, we couldn’t change that setting. The solution? Export those certificates, import them into the login keychain, and change that setting to “Always Trust.” Now, a simple:

works as it should.